Client: Smart Pension
Understand attitudes toward retirement products among the Dutch population. Identify gaps and opportunities for a better engagement with future retirement products.
Interviewed 24 general audience respondents
Interviewed 8 business owners, HR professionals
Created and launched a survey to 2000 respondents
Prepared and organised a Stakeholder workshop to brainstorm on action points
Discussion Guide
(example questions)
[Work] What is your current work situation? Answer options: Employed, working 1-39 hours a week/Employed, 40 hours or more a week/Not employed, looking for a job/Not employed, not looking for a job/Self-employed/Retired/Unable to work e.g., due to a disability
[Income] What was your total income in 2020? Answer options: € 0 – € 9999/€ 10.000 – € 19.999/€ 20.000 – € 29.999/€ 30.000 – € 39.999/€ 40.000 – € 49.999/€ 50.000 – € 59.999/€ 60.000 – € 69.999/€ 70.000 – € 79.999/€ 80.000 – € 89.999/€ 90.000 – € 99.999/€ 100.000 or more
[Lifestyle] How would you describe your lifestyle?
[Life goals] What are your goals or expectations for the future in terms of keeping or changing your lifestyle?
Current retirement plan
[Awareness] What financial steps have you taken for your retirement? If none, why not?
[Awareness] How confident are you about understanding your current retirement products?
Opting in
[Initiate] How did you go about setting up your current retirement plan/products?
[Expectations] Ideally, at what moments would you need access to your retirement products?
[Interactions] What would you like to do that you aren’t able to do now with regard to accessing your retirement products?
[Awareness] How do you feel about the current amount of responsibility or ownership you have over your retirement plan? Please explain why.
[Preference] How would you prefer responsibility/ownership to be distributed? e.g., all yourself, yourself and an adviser, yourself and your employer, just employer etc. Please explain why.
[Interactions] What would you like to do that you aren’t able to do now with regard to projecting your retirement?
(Insights organised in Airtable)
(Insights presented in an Experience Map using Miro)
The main challenge was with regard to recruiting business owners and HR professionals. Therefore we collaborated with a local agency to help us recruit. The assignment also required back and forth translations since the interviews were conducted in Dutch.